Polsko: Velké bitvyPoland: Great Battles

2 zl

  • Face value: 2 zl
  • Stop: CuAl5Zn5Sn1
  • Finish: standard
  • Diameter: 27,00 mm
  • Weight: 8,15 g


2 zl 2010 poland The Battle of Grunwald 1410 polsko mince coin

The Battle of Grunwald 1410

2 July 2010
Mintage: 1 400 000

10 zl - silver coins

  • Face value: 10 zl
  • Stop: Ag 925/1000
  • Finish: proof
  • Diameter: 40,0 x 26,0
  • Weight: 14,14 g


2 zl 2010 poland The Battle of Grunwald 1410 polsko mince coin

The Battle of Grunwald 1410

2 July 2010
Mintage: 60 000


2 zl 2010 poland The Battle of Grunwald 1410 polsko mince coin

The Battle of Grunwald 1410

2 July 2010
Mintage: 60 000

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